perennial, G, 2n=26, diploid
mesic, from the lower nemoral up to the boreal belt
Dacian (present also in the Serbian Banat) and in the
Ukrainean Carpathians -meaning almost endemic to the mountains
and the surrounding hills from the territory of Romania)
Symphito-Fagion, Carpinion, Aremonio-Carpinenion,
Arrhenatheretalia (secondary mountain grasslands from the
upper nemoral)
R 38s, R41s, R42a (rare)
| |
A very beautiful serotinal saffron species from Crocus
genus which is almost endemic to Romania (especially
Transylvania and Banat / rare in all the other regions)
North of Podeni, Cluj county, rich populations around the point
46 26 21 06 N / 23 39 09 09 E, october 2009


Raicani, Alba county, west of Piatra Cetii calcareous massif,
Alba county, September 2005.
dr. Alexandru Badarau, alexandru@transsilvanica.net

The photographs below provide a comparison between Crocus
banaticus and Colchicum autumnale the two serotinal
saffrons which flower in the autumn approximately in the same period
and sometimes are mistaken one for the other though are included in
two different botanical families.
